Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jeruk mangga

Everybody loves this simple snack..its easy to make and we don't need extra ingredient to prepare can be mempelam/manggo, cermai, betik / papaya...

I always peel the skin and cut into small pieces (manggo and papaya)and wash dan drain, mix them with salt and sugar and refrigerate for one day, and later mix again with a little bit of sugar..and that's it...but we can sprinkle it with red chillies for some extra hot..

Mangga / mango../mempelam....choose a young one with the lfesh still hard and fresh and still sour be it mempelam sala, mempelam telur, chukanan ..

Jeruk mangga and them plainly like this or with kuah rojak Mak Bee..simply amazing..and don't forget ais kacang with lots of kacang merah and buah nau..heaven...

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