Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maggi Mee My Way Contest

Sapa tak pernah makan Maggi..? hands no..hands down..mesti semua pernah, even once..even one spoon..and they are having a contest now..I'll be joining too..
check out their site or on the side bar under nuffnang add on this blog...

Jom makan maggi mee...

I had one funny experience back then with maggi mee..we were staying up late and was so hungry..we ended up having one packet of maggi tomyam followed by maggi asam laksa and then accompanied by nescafe...few minutes later I had to run to the toilet..vomitting..few strands of maggi were stuck on my nose....yucckk...but that was having maggi mee is different, I cook properly, fried or boiled..

For those who wish to submit but got no idea how to start, maybe you guys can check out redmummy's blog as a reference..but don't copy paste kay...that's illegal....she have a good shots of her cooking and preparing maggi mee for this contest...

Happy cooking....

Tepung pelita and banana langsat

We ar still in the mood of 'makan-makan' ..and yesterday it was another do for Dato' who's going for haj and few staff who just passed their was endless eating session in the office

The menu was nasi putih with ayam masak kicap, gulai ikan, sambal belacan, ulam-ulaman and few desserts..

Chocolate cake prepared by one of my friend..moist and so yummy
Tepung pelita or kueh tako..very sweet and soft

Langsat and banana..for dessert

Open sandwich for kids

As a mother to small children who just started learning and exploring food..i have to use all the skill and tools and info from wherever I can to stimulate their taste bud.

Here is a simple evening snack before dinner for my daughter and son.

Two minutes simple menu for kids
  • Open sandwich with cheese topping:
  • Just applied some butter on the bread- bothsides
  • Place the bread on flat pan
  • Turn to the other side and place a slice of cheese on top
  • Cut the sandwich into small pieces

Open sandwich with cheese

Resepi Ayam Masak Merah

I prepared ayam masak merah yesterday for raya potluck, this menu is a company for nasi minyak and nasi tomato which was prepared by my friend.

Resepi Ayam Masak Merah (untuk 20 orang)

Bahan-bahan mentah

  • 2 ekor ayam - potong kecil dan buang kulit

  • serbuk cili dan pes cili (cili yg dikisar)

  • bawang besar - hiris nipis

  • bawang putih dan halia - kisar
  • daun kari ,daun pandan dan serai

  • bunga lawang, kulit kayu manis
  • susu Ideal

  • cili hijau- 3 biji

  • tomato- 3 biji- potong dadu

  • minyak untuk menumis

  • garam dan gula

  • tumiskan bawang besar dan bahan yg dikisar beserta daun kari, daun pandan dan serai

  • masukkan bunga lawang,kulit kayu manis dan tomato

  • apabila kuning masukkan serbuk cili dan cili pes, serbuk kunyit serta cili hijau

  • biar sehingga pecah minyak, masukkan sedikit air
  • masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng berasingan

  • masukkan susu Ideal ke dalam kuah yang sednag dimasak
  • tambah garam dan gula jika perlu

  • masak sehingga kuah sedikit kering atau tambahkan sedikit air supaya kuah pekat

  • hiaskan dengan hirisan bawang besar dan daun ketumbar yg dihiris halus

Sesuai dihidang dengan nasi minyak, nasi tomato,nasi hujan panas atau nasi beriani dan nasi putih biasa..